Fengqing Gotcha for Gaza
Donation Period now open!
Donation period now open!
Donation period will be open from 9th June to 5th July
This is a fundraising event started for the people of Palestine. We are not officially associated with TGCF or its donghua. This is a fan-run project, and made possible by volunteer fan creators.How it works:For donations of 5 USD-8 USD to any of the fundraisers listed, you will be able to receive a fanwork from one of the amazing volunteers!($5USD for SFW, $8USD for NSFW fanfic/fanart).Do note that we are not accepting dead dove prompts, thank you!Schedule:
1st June to 7th June: Creator signups open
9th June to 5th July: Donations open
Fanworks to be completed before 30th September, 2024.We have an ao3 collection!More information below
Donation Information
The only donations we accept are those made to CareForGaza and the following listed below.
5USD gets you one SFW fanwork: either fanfic or fanart.
8USD gets you one NSFW fanwork: either fanfic or fanart.(Please note that only those 18+ are allowed to request NSFW)
You can donate multiple times, but the amount donated has to cover the amount of fanworks that you are requesting.For example, you may request 4 pieces of SFW fanart with a 20USD donation.You will be asked to provide a screenshot of your donation receipt for verification. (Eg. email response). You may block out any personal details, such as your name.When submitting a prompt, please be specific and be sure to mention any triggers you would like your creator to avoid. Prompts will be randomly assigned to the volunteers.We will ask for a backup prompt in the event that the creator is unable to fulfill your first prompt. Please give us time to complete all your requests.We have an ao3 collection!
ACCEPTED DONATIONS:CareForGaza: The team aims to distribute cash, food and supplies such as medicine and clothes for the people of Gaza. The project is regularly being updated on Twitter @CareForGaza.eSims for Gaza: every eSims purchase allows people within Gaza to stay connected with the world outside, and to help them get word out about what is happening within Gaza.Pious projects: a fundraiser ro distribute Feminine Hygiene kits for the women in Gaza. Each kit will contain items such as sanitary pads, tooth brushes, tooth paste, wipes, tissues, etc.PCRF: Palestine Children's Relief Fund aims to raise funds to help support humanitarian needs, programs and projects for the sick and injured childrenOCHA: (Occupied Palestinian Territory Humanitarian Fund) collects contributions to support urgent relief on the ground
> What are the dates for this event?1st June to 10th June: Creator signups open
14th June to 5th July: Donation forms open
Creators will have until the 30th September, 2024 to complete their assigned pieces.In the event where there are too many requests, or the creators are unable to meet the deadline, we will provide an extension for them.> What exactly can we prompt?Anything Fengqing related! Any verisons of Feng Xin/Mu Qing will be accepted, including their deputies Nan Feng/Fu Yao.
(eg. Feng Xin/Fu Yao, Mu Qing/Nan Feng is accepted too).> Will there be dead doves?We will not be allowing dead dove prompts for this event, apologies that we overlooked this in our original guidelines> What is expected of the fancreators?We do expect effort to be put into the piece, but to avoid burnout, we only expect a minimum of 1k words for fic writers and sketches for fanartists. How detailed or in-depth you would like to make it is entirely up to you.We will ask for how many pieces you are willing to do during the signup, and respect that amount.> How will contacting for the assignments work?We will email your prompts to you! If you would prefer another form of contact, please dm us.> Can I sign up if I don't have Twitter or Tumblr?Yes! We will collect your email address during the signup event, and will post it on either platform on your behalf on the main account.> Will a list of prompts be sent out and writers are able to pick, or will they be assigned?Prompts will be assigned as they come in, to allow creators more time to work on their pieces. (aka. They can start as early as 14th June, depending on how early the donations come in).They will be assigned by us, through email (or dms, if you opted for that option).The reason why we are not allowing creators to pick their own prompts is to ensure that every prompt gets a home, and to prevent creators from missing out due to timezones. Any sort of pinch-hits we get afterwards will be up for grabs, though.> I have more questions to ask:You may leave a comment on our posts on @fengqingaction on Twitter or Tumblr, or dm us your questions